Have you ever felt tired after a long day of activities? Or maybe you want to have a healthier and fitter body? Running could be the answer! Imagine yourself running on a sunny morning, breathing in the fresh air while enjoying the view. Aside from keeping your body healthy, running can also be a fun way to relieve stress and boost your mood.

Running is a very easy and inexpensive exercise, and research proves that running has many benefits for the body, both for physical and mental health. Before you start running, check out these benefits of running that you don't want to miss.

Health Benefits of Running

1. Lose Weight

Running helps in weight loss by increasing calorie burning. Doing running regularly can speed up the weight loss process and prevent obesity.

2. Maintain knee health

Despite the notion that running can damage your knees, orthopedic sports medicine journals show that regular running strengthen the join, maintains knee health and prevents arthritis from getting worse.

3. Prevent osteoporosis

Running helps maintain bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis by strengthening bones.

4. Prevents heart disease

Regular running helps improve blood flow, improves heart function, and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Running 30 minutes daily can increase good cholesterol and reduce body fat, supporting overall heart health.

5. Controls blood pressure

Regular running helps strengthen the heart and improves blood pumping efficiency, and reduces pressure in the blood vessels.

6. Improve Sleep Quality

Regular exercise, including running, can speed up the sleep process and improve sleep quality by reducing nighttime awakenings.


Running Tips for Beginners

Running can be done anytime and anywhere, and while it doesn't require a lot of specialized equipment, there are a few tips for beginners to keep in mind.

1. Check Your Health Condition

Consult a doctor before starting to run if you haven't exercised for a long time, are over 40 years old, are overweight, or have a history of heart disease. Run slowly and with low intensity while paying attention to your body's condition.

2. Wearing Proper Running Shoes

Use the right shoes to prevent injury. Pronation (the inward movement of the foot when running) varies for each person, and it can be either excessive or insufficient.

3. Do Warm-Up Exercises

Warming up before exercising helps to stretch your muscles so they don't become stiff and prevents injuries while running.

4. Start with Short Interval Runs

Beginners should start running in short intervals, alternating with walking for recovery. Gradually, increase the running duration and reduce walking time until you can run without breaks.

5. Start slow

Beginner runners often run too fast, which can lead to fatigue and injury. Start at a moderate pace and allow your body to gradually adjust.

6. Stay hydrated

Hydration is crucial while running to prevent dehydration, decreased performance, and fatigue. Drink 2-4 glasses of water before running, one glass right before you start, and continue drinking every 20 minutes during the run.

The Importance of Measuring Heart Rate While Running

Measuring your heart rate during exercise is essential to maintain the right workout intensity. The ideal zone is 60–80% of your maximum heart rate, which can be estimated using the formula 220 minus your age. For example, if you are 20 years old, your estimated maximum heart rate would be 200 BPM. To reach your target zone, your heart rate should be between 60–80% of the maximum, which is around 120–170 BPM (beats per minute). You can measure your heart rate at your wrist or use a specialized watch. To measure it manually, count your heartbeats for 10 seconds at your wrist, then multiply by six to get your heart rate per minute. Adjust the intensity of your workout according to your target zone.

Cooling Down After Running

In addition to pre-run preparation, you also need to pay attention to what should be done after running, as this is equally important. After running, lower your heart rate by walking slowly. Avoid sitting down immediately after running, as this can pose a risk to your cardiovascular system. Cooling down is often overlooked by some people, but it is crucial to prevent muscle stiffness. Perform some static stretches after running.

Now you know the tips to avoid getting tired easily while running. The tips mentioned above are important to follow to reduce the risk of long-term injuries.


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