Shareholding Structure

The Company was founded in 1976 in the framework of Domestic Investment (DCI), later on, it became a public company in 1994 by offering 10,000,000 shares to the public in the Jakarta Stock Exchange. The Company's shares are traded on the Indonesia Stock Exchange under the ticker DVLA.

The latest composition of shareholders, is as follows:


​Total Shares

        ​Public ​100%
  • ​Majority :
    Blue Sphere Singapore Pte. Ltd*
  • ​Minorit​y :
    Other Public
  • ​Treasury Stock*
*Blue Sphere Singapore Pte Ltd sold 6,000,000 shares through stock exchange on January 19, 2016 therefore the number of shares owned by minority shareholders became 84,124,388​​ shares or representing 7.88%. 
As a consequence of merger between PT Prafa and the Company, the Company repurchased 4,074,700 shares from public. Per transaction date on May 26, 2020, treasury shares had been fully released, so that currently there are no remaining treasury shares that still owned by the Company.

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