Life at Darya-Varia
Explore your passions, opportunities and grow with us for a Healthier Indonesia
Employee Testimonials

Iis Sunarsih
Solid Secondary Packaging SH – Citeureup Plant
Join Date: 37 years ago
I am proud to work in Darya-Varia. I got a lot of experience and knowledge while working here. Cooperation between employees is based on kinship in the spirit of achieving the Company's vision and mission with maximum results.

Group Leader/Packaging Soft Capsule - Gunung Putri Plant
Join Date: 38 years ago
I enjoy working at Darya-Varia to meet good friends. The working atmosphere here at Gunung Putri Plant is comfortable.
Anggi Ramdhani Nugraha
Health and Regulatory Affairs – Head Office, South Quarter
Join Date: 10 years ago
Darya-Varia has a tight kinship between each employee to others. Darya-Varia always provides development programs to the employees, such as soft-skill trainings. It also supports working life balance through attractive sport activities.