Jakarta, February 6, 2024 – PT Darya-Varia Laboratoria Tbk (Darya-Varia) today presented an overview of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program initiated by the Company since 2018 to prevent stunting. The program is in partnership with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia under the framework of the Increased Efforts in Promotive and Preventive Measures to Achieve a Healthy Indonesia. With the theme Stunting Free for Healthy Generation, Darya-Varia is committed to consistently supporting the government's priority programs in public health, ultimately aiming to create a healthy, intelligent, and high-quality generation in Indonesia.
Located in Cibatok II Village, Bogor Regency, Stunting Free for Healthy Generation program has successfully reduced the stunting rate by 80% gradually over 5 years, synergy between Darya-Varia and the entire community, as well as related partners. At the beginning of the program in 2018, there were 68 children experiencing stunting. Through various prevention and education programs, this number continued to decrease, and by 2023, the stunting rate was successfully reduced to only 13 children.
Dr. Ian Kloer, President Director of PT Darya-Varia Laboratoria Tbk, stated in his address, "As a pharmaceutical company operating in the health sector, Darya-Varia has a moral responsibility to contribute to the implementation of Indonesia's government priority programs in the health sector, including stunting alleviation." He continued, "Stunting has become a health issue requiring special attention in Indonesia. Combating stunting requires systematic approaches and interventions in the ecosystem, in addition to ensuring optimal nutrition. Tackling stunting in Indonesia is not only a physical issue but also a social and economic problem that affects the nation's well-being."
Stunting is a condition of failure to thrive in toddlers due to chronic nutritional deficiencies, especially during the first 1,000 days of life. Stunting causes cognitive and motor development barriers, a decrease in intellectual capacity, and an increased risk of future non-communicable diseases. According to UNICEF estimates, the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia is very high, reaching 31.8% in 2021. This figure is higher than in other countries in Asia and Africa. The Indonesian government has committed to reducing the prevalence of stunting to 14% by 2024.
Dr. Boy Abidin Sp.OG (K), a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology, stated in his presentation, "Stunting is influenced by various factors, including nutritional intake, health status, social environment, health environment, settlement environment, income, economic disparities, food systems, social security, health systems, agricultural development, and women's empowerment. Therefore, stunting has become a health issue that requires special attention in Indonesia. Combating stunting requires a systematic approach to the ecosystem, in addition to ensuring optimal nutrition."
The annual programs include general health education for Healthy Ambassador cadres, Midwife Competency Enhancement Training, Empowering Integrated Health Service Posts through the provision of healthy food and health equipment, free health check-ups, supporting the development of health infrastructure such as School Health Units, education on healthy living behaviors and handwashing culture in several surrounding schools, education on child nutrition fulfillment, parenting skills education, and sex education and reproductive health targeting junior high school students to reduce teenage marriage rates.
"Sex and reproductive education for teenagers can provide the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to make responsible decisions about sexuality, reproductive health, and family planning. Early marriage in teenagers can increase risks such as pregnancy and childbirth complications, maternal and infant mortality, sexually transmitted infections, domestic violence, poverty, and stunting in children," said Dr. Boy Abidin.
Enjang Hariri, S.Ip, Secretary of Cibatok II Village, added, "We highly appreciate Darya-Varia for implementing various programs to help sustainably reduce this stunting rate. With continuous support, Cibatok II Village has successfully significantly reduced the stunting rate. This program stands out because the interventions go beyond just providing nutritional supplements and nutrition but also target preventive measures such as maternal and child health education, improvement of environmental sanitation, family empowerment, and especially early education for teenagers."
"This program has greatly helped our families meet their nutritional needs, such as by providing supplements, nutritious food, and health consultations. The education provided also imparts knowledge and skills that are useful for improving the quality of life. We hope this program continues in the coming years to have a positive impact on families and future generations so that the achievements of this program can influence the achievements and potential of the children," concluded Ningsih Mintarsih, a Posyandu cadre who has been greatly assisted by Stunting Free for Healthy Generation program.