Everyone will definitely experience difficulties in carrying out life activities. This distress can cause a bad mood, the mind becomes stressed, and can even cause the body's immune system to decline. Therefore, feeling happy is something that needs to be done to maintain a healthy body. Feeling mentally and emotionally happy is a wonderful experience. Based on existing research, the more happiness you have in your life, the more benefits you will get compared to just feeling happy about something.1


Benefits of Feeling Happy for the Body

Various benefits can be obtained from feeling happy, such as:1,2

- Helps in dealing with stress

A number of studies show that feeling consistently happy can reduce cortisol levels in the blood. This is related to excessive stress which can increase cortisol (stress hormone) and cause various health problems, such as sleep disorders, weight gain and high blood pressure.

- Strengthens the immune system

Feelings of happiness can support the performance of the immune system in fighting various infections or diseases. A study shows that people who feel happy have 3 times the body's resistance to fighting the flu virus.

- Improve heart health

Happiness created by yourself can protect you from the risk of heart disease. Several studies show that feeling happy can improve heart health and reduce the risk of heart disease by 13-26%.

- Helps in reducing pain

Individuals who feel happy can encourage a more positive and broader perspective so that this condition can reduce pain. Several studies show that feeling happy can help reduce pain in arthritis sufferers and also in stroke sufferers.

- Have a healthy lifestyle

Happiness can encourage you to do various activities that are positive and beneficial for your body's health, such as eating healthy food, more physical active, and avoiding drinks that are not good for the body.

- Increase the chances of living long

Feeling happy can make individuals have a long life. This may be related to the habits of happy people who tend to engage in activities that can improve health, such as not smoking, exercising frequently and sleeping regularly.


Activities That Can Trigger Feelings of Happiness

Here are some activities that can trigger feelings of happiness, such as:3

1. Consume nutritious and balanced foods, such as fruit, low-fat dairy products, green vegetables and various types of fish.

2. Get seven to eight hours of sleep a night. This can promote better health and increase productivity.

3. Make friends with good people and limit contact with people who have negative thinking because it will drain your energy.

4. Avoid excessive news, such as news about suffering that can cause fear in yourself.

5. Exercise regularly. This can strengthen muscles and reduce stress.

6. Do meaningful things every day, such as doing activities you like (cooking or painting) and sharing experiences with other people.

7. Thinking of good things for other people, such as smiling at other people while praying for that person to always be healthy.



  • 1. Elaine Mead. 6 Benefits of Happiness According to the Research. Last reviewed on June 5, 2019. Available at: https://positivepsychology.com/benefits-of-happiness/
  • 2. Daisy Coyle. How Being Happy Makes You Healthier. Last reviewed on August 27, 2017. Available at: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/happiness-and-health
  • 3. Jolene Hanson. 7 tips to live a happier life. Last reviewed on August 9, 2022. Available at: https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/7-tips-to-live-a-happier-life